There are several things we tend to turn to when we need to be comforted. For some it might be a favorite food, for others it might be a favorite song. Some might prefer a long walk in the woods while others escape into a beloved TV show. But for people of faith, particularly when faced with really troubling circumstances, the Bible has always been the most unfailing source of solace. Comforting Bible verses remind readers about God’s steadfast love and unfailing support, freely given to all who call upon Him. The Israelites in the Old Testament relied on God as they wandered in the wilderness, and the early Christians in the New Testament did, too, as they faced persecution and prejudice. We are no less in need today. So take a moment to ponder these comforting Bible verses—they’ll remind you that, no matter how down you may feel, you’re never alone. - Most know that loss is a part of life, but that doesn’t make it any easier. The death of loved ones often takes its toll on those...